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Monday 5 June 2023


One of the biggest myths of healthcare is a one-size-fits-all approach. We are led to believe that: 

Bacterial Infection -> Antibiotics
Inflammation -> Anti-inflammatories
Autoimmune -> Immunosuppressants
Cancer -> Chemo/Radiation
Cut -> Bandaid
Pain of any kind -> Pain Meds
Overweight -> Fad Diets
Virus -> Antivirals
Depression -> Antidepressants
Psychosis -> Antipsychotics 

It seems like no matter how many different patients we see - all responding differently to a list of treatments - we still hear and see the same judgements: 
"If this treatment doesn't work for you, you're doing something wrong". 

It's one of my personal biggest pet peeves. 

We all know, logically, that every person is different. We may say the words, that every single body responds differently to every pain, disease, trauma, etc... but do we really believe it? 
When I see all of these people on TikTok and IG touting some treatment or miracle cure, it's always the same messaging: "you're doing it wrong". 

In a society that considers treatments to be a one-size-fits-all solution, we lose sight of the complexity of the human body. 
Every single thing that we put into our bodies - be it medicine, scents, food, lotions, thoughts, knowledge, etc... - will react differently than any other person on the planet. 
That's why side effect lists are so long. That's why so many people are on so many different medications. It's why different people respond differently to a night out drinking. It's why some people become addicts and others, who engage in the same behaviours, do not. It's why some people swear by naturopathic remedies and others swear by modern medicine. It's why people with the same disease all look different, experience different symptoms, are all on different doses of medications, are sometimes on entirely different therapies or dietary restrictions. No one responds in the exact same way as any other person. 

We need to stop seeing treatments as one-size-fits-all. We all respond differently - and every single one of us is just doing our best. We're all simply trying our best to feel better - and we are all learning about how our own bodies respond. 

How do we cope in such a society? How do we help each other? 
Support without judgement oozing from our mouths. Support without a thousand suggestions. Support without questioning someone else's approach. 
So much easier said than done - but it's a start. 

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