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Wednesday 23 November 2022

Family Feud Perspective

Super interesting moment tonight. 
We were watching Family Feud and this question came up:

"How many days would you say you spend sick in bed each year?"

The top answer: 2

Then my husband reminded me that the average amount of alotted sick days at most companies is between 3 and 6 days. Per year. 

I guess I've been out of the game so long that I am definitely not in touch with today's standards of sick days. 

I mean... I'm doing fairly well right now: I haven't had to use the wheelchair much since getting radio frequency ablation in my SI joints and spine, and I'm no longer on heavy pain medication.... 

With that said, I am still too ill to really leave the bedroom at least one to two days a week, sometimes more. (It used to be about 6 days a week only a few years ago, so I'll take what I can get!).

So the average American is sick enough to be stuck in bed 2 days out of every 365.... 
In a good year, I'm sitting around 104 days out of 365 - plus major flare-ups, procedures, emergencies, and surprise visits from colds and flus. So let's round it up to 150 to be safe. 

Thank you Family Feud for putting things in perspective! 

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