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Wednesday 13 December 2023

Eye Muscle Measurements

I have been referred to see a specialist who deals specifically with the muscles at the back of the eye. 
Before I get to see her, I needed to have an appointment with a tech to do the preliminary measurements. 
I had that appointment today. 

The appointment was fine overall, with good news, and it also rubbed me the wrong way. 

So the good news is that:
A) I found parking directly outside the building - which for that area can be really tricky. 
B) this tech doesn't believe that the strabismus is large enough to require surgery - so my best option is likely continuing to use the Prism lenses. 
C) The measurements have not changed since my last appointment (a real relief), and my Prism prescription is still correct. 

Before we even got started though, we went through some of my history and, specifically, at what age I developed health problems. So I answered age 14 for the gut issues, age 21 for the macular degeneration and eye issues. Then she asked me why I developed it so young. 
And waited for an answer.... 
I politely answered with "no one really knows"... Not really knowing what to say. 
Then she went on a 5 minute discussion about proper nutrition. Okay maybe 'discussion' is the wrong word... lecture, maybe. Seminar.  Reminder that this is a tech, not a physician, and definitely not a nutritionist.
She proceeded to question my nutrition, and even though I explained that for a year (until quite recently) I was only able to eat potatoes regularly, she still spoke to me as though giving a lecture on the dangers of vegetable oils and fats, and that I shouldn't be afraid of high quality animal fats. (No mention from me on any dietary information other than potatoes). 

She stated that "there is research that shows eating large quantities of vegetable fats can be an increased risk for developing macular degeneration". 
So.... the disease I already have? And are you assuming I had SO MUCH vegetable fats at a young age that I developed it - at age 21 - because of a shitty diet? And let's face it, 'high quality' anything is going to cost a pretty penny, of which not many have the luxury of spending these days. 

I strategically ignored her wanting to discuss it further and politely stated that I eat whatever my Crohn's Disease dictates I can eat. 

She said "nutrition is just a strong passion of mine, something I do on the side". 
To which I said nothing, at least not out loud. 

Listen, I am all for learning about proper nutrition - from a nutritionist who works closely with their patients and finds a nutritious diet based on the patient's illnesses and dietary requirements. I have seen a multitude of nutritionists over the years and have loved the information received. I will go again without a doubt if something changes or I need a refresher. 
However - unsolicited lectures on what to eat, and not even from my physician, based on vague side research and having nothing to do with me specifically and without knowing about what I actually ingest, is unwelcome. 

This is just another ridiculous way that people make patients with chronic illnesses feel guilty. Stop blaming chronic illness on the patient unless it has a direct CAUSATION, and applies directly to that one particular patient. 
Please stop it! It is dramatically unhelpful! 

Then came the FUNNY part to my day. 

I got trapped in the stairwell. 

I thought that I would take the stairs as I felt pretty good today and it was only on the 3rd floor. I saw the sign with the stairs and a stick man on the door, so I went to the stairs. I walked down to the main floor - only to find that the door to the lobby was locked
I saw a sign for the first level parkade down one level, so tried that door. Locked
I checked the lower parkade level as well. Again, locked. A second door on that level, locked
So I walked back up, slowly and winded, to level 3, only to find that the door I had come into the stairwell through was ALSO locked. I walked up one level - locked. 5th level - locked! I checked every single door, ready to call the doctor's office to please help me escape the stairwell, when I found a random door with no signage or level # written on it that was unlocked (on level 2). I managed to find the elevator and was able to leave. 

So - good news from the appointment, yet I am left feeling drained, both mentally and physically, from an unsolicited lecture and a sitcom-worthy episode of being trapped in a stairwell. 
Might just grab myself a huge dish of vegetable-fat fried potatoes with extra canola oil for a dipping sauce. (Just kidding). 

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